Initially my interest lay in her utilisation of transient materials
(ice and chocolate).
I remember seeing the limited edition facial expression chocolate lollipops in the V & A shop and liking the idea of edible art;
I suspect that many would just have to eat the damn things rather than stick them away in a box, or have them permanently out on show to torment! No one I know would be immune to the knowledge that there is chocolate lurking somewhere in the house. I wonder how many still exist?
Anyway, the notion of using materials that can be ingested (the ultimate consumption/assimilation of the art object) or that melt and degrade in some way is one that I plan to explore. So, her ice jewellery and installation for 'Be-hind Be-fore Be-yond' are of particular interest.
The sinuous quality, organic forms and reflective surfaces of her metal pieces are really seductive and seeing them for me, provokes a desire to investigate their surfaces, weight and temperature. Innovative, sensual and unnerving, her use of materials often has a prosthetic quality or carries fetishistic associations, suggesting danger and violence.
I find some of the work difficult aesthetically but really like the thinking behind the objects.