Dale Chihuly has had a big impact on my work; his sculptural glass pieces are like enormous brightly coloured jewels or massive sweeties. 'Persian Ceiling' at the V&A (2000) was a riot of colour and sinuous organic forms, while the Chandelier in the entrance hall of the V&A and some of his larger vessels seem impossible!
Although my own work is stripped of colour at present I am very interested in the way that he creates complex inter-relationships between his pieces by piling them, one inside another, clustering them or placing them in close proximity.
I have explored inter-relationships of form, silhouette and texture in my own work.
I am also interested in the flowing bio-morphic forms that he generates through the manipulation of molten glass; his vessels and sculptures are suggestive of sea creatures and coral. Chihuly exploits these reef-like qualities very successfully, particularly when grouping his pieces together. Lit from above against a dark background his work has vividness and luminosity that is breathtaking.
I covet his work but can't afford it! Maybe one day; in the meantime I console myself with exploring his ideas and applying them to my own work.
Check out his work at the link shown.
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